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Empowering Experienced Professionals for Successful Career Transitions

Reframing Ageing Job Seekers ~ with Cathy Nestoriak

  • Mon, November 07, 2022
  • 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
  • VIRTUAL MEETING! Please register to receive login information.
  • 64


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Reframing Ageing Job Seekers

Please join us for a robust and engaging discussion that will take a deep look at:

  • Unconscious bias and ageism
  • Why our brain does what it does
  • How ageism shows up (again and again)
  • Why it takes a village AND the role we play
  • Steps you can take


    Cathy Nestoriak is passionate about helping older adults thrive through meaningful employment. She will engage us in an interesting discussion on our (and other’s) inherent biases and subtle discrimination, while offering some suggestions on how to become more aware of these issues. 

    As Director of Senior Employment for the Jewish Council on Aging, Cathy leads a range of programs that include:

    • Virtual 50+ Employment Expos, which hosts annual expos in Maryland and Virginia that connect thousands of jobseekers with local employers who value what older workers can offer.
    • The Career Gateway, which helps professionals hone their job-search skills so they can land a job.
    • Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP), which provides on-the-job training for low-income residents who are age 55 and older and live in Montgomery and Frederick counties. Trainees receive minimum wage while working at charities and government agencies to build their skills and resumes while delivering valuable community service.
    • JCA & WorkSource Montgomery, where seniors can learn about SCSEP program eligibility requirements, use phones and computers for free, and discover resources to help them with their job search.

    Cathy holds a master’s degree in Human Resources Development from Marymount University.

    The 40Plus Monday Speaker Series is sponsored by the Fairfax County Economic Development Authority (FCEDA). FCEDA's Talent Initiative Program provides great resources to connect our 40Plus members to hiring companies, agencies and non-profits across Northern Virginia through https://workinnorthernvirginia.com/.


    Due to the continuing impact of the Coronavirus pandemic, this will be a VIRTUAL MEETING!! Please register online to receive instructions about logging in to the Zoom session. Login instructions will be emailed to all participants who register for the session.

    By joining the Zoom session, you are consenting to be recorded. Recordings of 40Plus Zoom sessions may be used for promotional purposes.